First off.... no need to be scared, this is not a food space ship. I know it looks like something that is about to sky rocket off with your dinner, but it is merely a convection oven.... cool right?

Secondly, I have gathered that I need to put in a disclaimer about now.... but I am new at this and not really sure of the rules or what to say. So here it goes. Nobody paid me to do this, or say these things. I do not own any of the FlavorWave Turbo company. It was just a Christmas gift for my sister.... and we wanted to try it out!

My sister received this convection oven and we decided to roast (if that still applies with this machine) a chicken. My sister and I had never seen any advertising for this machine before, so luckily our girlfriend had. She helped us wrap our pretty heads around it.

I decided to do a combination of my
Honey Thyme Chicken and Jamie Oliver's
Christmas Butter recipes. It was of course, fantastic. I usually cook with fresh herbs, but this was a last minute decision (we were lucky to get the chicken) so I settled for dry. Thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper and butter.

Stuffed underneath the skin and against the breast. There really is no better place for it!!

Then we set that baby on it's post/rack and let her go.....

It takes 21 minutes for every pound of chicken. This chicken was just under 3 pounds, so we cooked it for one hour. We could literally watch it cooking through the glass....

It caught all the drippings so we could even make our favorite gravy. A mixture of drippings, white wine and chicken stock. Thicken with cornstarch. Yum.

I know the skin looks charred here, but trust me - it is the honey that does this. It tastes fantastic. In fact, my husband is still talking about this chicken - and I make chicken all the time!!

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